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National Center for Missing & Exploited Children


Charity Summary

The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing resources for missing and exploited children.

Charity History

The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children was founded in 1984 to provide missing children help to families and law enforcement.

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children Car Donation Program

Vehicle donation for the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® is available through the V-Dac Name Your Non-Profit car donation program.

Contact Info

Charles B. Wang International Children's Building,699 Prince Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-3175

Charity Details

Charity Founded:
Charity Annual Revenue:
$50,331,444 (2012 annual revenue)

Charity Ratings

Registered 501(c) Charity:
Car Donation Guide© Rating:
Charity Navigator© Rating:
3 of 4 stars
BBB™ Charity Accreditation:

Charity Car Donation Program

Full Market Value Deduction:
In House Vehicle Donation:
Donation Location: